Yellowknife Golf Course June 1971
The original crashed DC3 Clubhouse with a tee box in the foreground also notice the tee box on the hill at the left side of the image
(image from the Glenbow Archives)
Aerial View of the 12th Hole along Long Lake
The Driving Range and Proshop
BBQ by the 18th Green during a tournament
A Colour Coordinated Foursome on the 16th Green
A young player hitting an approach to the 16th Green
Lining up a Tee shot on the 12th hole
The Clubhouse on a Men's Night
Golfing under the Midnight Sun
Our CPGA Certified Golf Pro's will go the extra mile to ensure you get your new clubs fitted in time for the season!
Always a welcome site, the "Refreshment" cart coming up the 12th fairway
Our booth at the 2015 Yellowknife Trade Show!
A photo of one of our members Golf Cart even made the PGA Website during the 2014 Glowball Tournament!